Government has expanded the Wage Subsidy Program (WSP) on the Penjana and Perkeso has announced the updates on 09/06/2020.
- ERP will be combined under PSU since 15 June 2020 从6月15号起,ERP正式与WSP结合
- The expansion of WSP includes those employees who have been requested to take the unpaid leave (provided that they work in the tourism sector or those sectors that are involved in economic activities that are still prohibited during the RMCO period) 此WSP的扩展包括被雇主要求请无薪假的员工(仅限于旅游业或是在RMCO还被禁止复工的领域)
- The employer may apply WSP provided that the employee receives direct subsidy payments 但是雇主必须直接把所领取的WSP给员工
- Overview:
- Malaysian
- Monthly Salary ≤ RM 4,000.00
- Effective from: April
- Last Application Date: September
- Subsidy Period: 3 months + 3 months
Company Size | 1 – 75 Employees | 76 – 200 Employees | >200 Employees |
Subsidy (First 3 Months) | RM1,200 per employee | RM800 per employee | RM600 per employee |
Subsidy (Additional 3 Months) | RM600 per employee | RM600 per employee | RM600 per employee |
Drop in Revenue | No income conditions specified | Decreasing at least 50% revenue compare with January 2020 or the following months |
** The definition of Enterprise Size is based on the total number of Malaysian and non-citizen workers 雇员数量包括外籍员工
- Conditions:
- Employers and employees must register and contribute to Perkeso before 1 April 2020 雇员及雇主需要于4月1号之前注册并呈报Perkeso (SOCSO & EIS)
- Registered with SSM or other local authorities before 1 January 2020 于2020年1月1号之前成立
- Commenced business before 1 January 2020 于2020年1月1号之前开始营业
- Shall retain employees for 6 months (3 months while receiving the subsidy and 3 months afterwards) 6个月内不能解雇员工或是减薪甚至要求员工申请无薪假
- Supporting Documents:
- List of employee names;
- Employer's bank account information (Copy of Bank Statement cover only);
- Business Registration Number (BRN) information registered by the employer at the time of opening the bank account;
- Copy of SSM / ROS / ROB / Professional, Scientific or Technical Services / Business License authority;
- Professional, Scientific or Technical / Business License;
- PSU50 Account Declaration (can be download from our company website)*; and
- Supporting documents such as financial statements or sales reports that have been verified by management or other related documents (for those >75 employees)
- If an employee works with Company A and Company B and contributes to SOCSO, both companies are eligible to apply for the Wage Subsidy Program 若某雇员同时在两间公司打工并缴交Socso,那么两间公司都能申请WSP
- The employer will be notified of the status of the application whether approved or rejected by email 申请者将会透过电邮被通知申请结果
- The list of employers who have approved the Wage Subsidy Program application will also appear on the SOCSO website (includes the number of approved employees)
- Employer do NOT need to apply for the following month for the WSP 雇主不需要在接下来的5各月份重新申请
- If there is any changes, employer shall update accordingly 若是有任何更动,雇主需要到该平台更新
- The information shall be tally with those in the Assist portal 所提交的资料必须跟Assist平台的资料一致
- Employee shall start working with the employer before 1 April 2020