Malaysia News

Wage Subsidy Program 2.0 Updates


Wage Subsidy Program (WSP) 2.0 has been opened for apply since 01/10/2020. Let us summarize the key updates of this program.

  1. Income tax number is mandatory
  2. PSU declaration form has been updated to PSU 2.0 declaration form
  3. Shall fill in the revenue for current year and the same month in the previous year
  4. Shall declare whether the employee is requested to take unpaid leave
  5. Please choose tuntutan 7 if you are going to extend the WSP 
  • Although RMCO start from 10 June 2020, the system only allows to compare revenue of Aug’20 to Dec’20 (with the same month of the previous year)

Other updates:

  1. The subsidy is only RM600 per employee for each month
  2. The company must experience at least 30% sales drop (compare with the same month in the previous year) between August to December