Monthly Household Income 家庭月收入 ≤RM2,500 - RM1,200 for 1 child, RM1,800 for more than 1 children
Monthly Household Income 家庭月收入 RM2,501 to RM4,000 - RM800 for 1 child, RM1,200 for more than 1 children
Monthly Household Income 家庭月收入 RM4,001 to RM5,000 - RM500 for 1 child, RM750 for more than 1 children
Single (≥21 years old) ≤RM2,500 - RM350
Reduce 1% income tax rate (to become 13%) for chargeable income between RM50,001 to RM70,000 降低RM50,001至RM70,000应课税收入1%个人所得税率(至13%)
Reduce EPF contribution rate employee portion from 11% to 9% 降低雇员部分的公积金率至9%
Withdraw RM500 from account 1 from Jan'21 for a period of 12 months 从公积金第一户口每个月提取RM500,为期12个月
Withdraw from account 2 to purchase insurance and takaful products 从公积金第二户口提取以购买保险
Lifestyle tax relief expand to electronic newspaper subscription and additional RM500 for expenditure related to sports (including participating fee for sports competitions)
Extend 3 months job search incentive 延长求职津贴3个月:First month 80%, Second month 5%, Third month 3%
Extand wage subsidy program specifically for tourism sector (including retail sector) for 3 months 求职津贴延长3个月:RM600 per month for up to 500 employees
Appreticeship program 学徒计划:RM1,000 incentive up to 3 months for participant, RM4,000 training programs claim for employer
Jaringan PRIHATIN programme:B40 will receive RM180 telecommunication credit for by Q1 2021 (used for internet subscription or buy a new mobile phone)
eBelia Programme: One off RM50 to e-wallet account (aged 18 to 20 years) 一次性RM50至电子钱包户口(18至20岁)
Targeted loan repayment assistant (TRA) - Moratorium instalments for 3 months 暂还3个月 OR reduce 50% of monthly repayment for 6 months 或是为期6个月减少50%分期付款 to borrowers who are BSH recipients or BPR AND micro enterprises with loans of up to RM150K
Simplied TRA for M40 - Just make a self-declaration of the reduction of income 自我声明收入减少