To stimulate business activities, the newly formed SMEs are given income tax rebates of up to RM20,000 for each year of assessment for the first 3 years of assessment subject to conditions 新注册的中小型企业的税务折扣
Beneficiary: SMEs Incorporated within 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2021 于01/07/2020至31/12/2021注册的中小型企业
Conditions 条件
- SMEs registered under the Companies Act 2016 注册于2016年公司法令;
- Paid-up capital of RM2.5 million and below with annual sales not exceeding RM50 million per annum 实收资本不高于250万令吉以及年销售额不超过5千万令吉;
- The amount of rebates is the capital expenditure or operating expenses incurred in each year of assessment subject to a maximum value of RM20,000 per year of assessment 回扣金额为每一课税年度资本支出或运营费用,最高回扣为2万令吉;
- Unused tax rebates cannot be carried forward to the next year of assessment for tax deduction purposes 使用的限额不能结转到下一个课税年度;
- This new entity must use separate plants, equipment and facilities and not transfer from existing or related companies 这个新公司不能从现有或相关的公司转移工厂,设备和设施; and
- Other conditions will be set
We are providing incorporation service and are launching promotion for the newly incorporated company. Please feel free to contact us at +607 - 225 4911 should you need any furhter clarifications. 我们有提供公司注册服务,并正在进行促销。若有任何疑问,欢迎致电我们。谢谢
Company Registration: